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THE TINY 10ISH #8: Most Forgettable States in America

Welcome to THE TINY 10ISH, a new micropodcast by 10ish Podcast! The Tiny 10ish will release on the first Monday of every month. The Tiny 10ish will feature Nick Emel going over a Top 10ish List in short order, along with fun facts and trivia—all in 10 minutes or less per episode.

On this edition of The Tiny 10ish, Nick reveals the Top 10 Most Forgettable States in America, as determined by Sporcle's "Can You Name All 50 States?" quiz, played by millions of people.


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10ish Podcast, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, lists, top ten, fun facts, trivia, dogs, pets, dog names, dog facts, dog trivia, animals, animal facts, animal trivia, name ideas

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10ish Podcast, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, lists, top ten, fun facts, trivia, dogs, pets, dog names, dog facts, dog trivia, animals, animal facts, animal trivia, name ideas

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