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Ep. 34: Most Popular Baby Names of the Late 1800s

We head back to the time machine to revisit the late 1800s, this time to reveal the Top 10 Most Popular Baby Names for both boys and girls in the years 1880 - 1899.

PLUS...what names have endured even to this day, names that fell out of favor, the meaning behind each name, other statistics and factoids about each name, famous people with these names, Joseph and his damn technicolor dream coat, fish evolving to survive in peanut butter, life in the 1800s, Easybeef, the rapid growth of the human population over time, Jim Jones in "Star Wars", Nick tells a weird true story about his uncle gifting him with a box of JNCO jeans, how do nicknames originate, Biblical names, Waldo from "Family Matters", the Trojan War, ass babies, corn pone, the variety TV show "Hee Haw", Brandon's revelation about Marge on "The Simpsons", Bertha the serial killer, and MUCH more!


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10ish Podcast, top 10, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, top 10, most popular baby names, common baby names, top 10 baby names

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10ish Podcast, top 10, Top 10 Lists, Comedy Podcast, Edutainment, top 10, most popular baby names, common baby names, top 10 baby names

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