WARNING: this episode contains disturbing (and also completely fictional) content.
Creepypastas are horror-related legends that have been shared around the Internet. Think of them as modern urban legends. Several creepypastas have become so iconic, many of us encounter images throughout the internet that we don't even realize originated from a creepypasta. But which creepypasta is the creepiest ever written? On this episode, Nick and guest sidekick host, Art from Mr. Bunker's Conspiracy Time Podcast, analyze the Top 10 Creepiest Creepypastas of All Time, as determined by an online fan poll.
PLUS: the origins of each creepypasta, the gritty details in each story, legacy of each creepypasta, Gumby, which creepypastas have (unfortunately) inspired actual true crime in the real world?, film adaptations, Gary Busey, and MUCH more.
VISUAL AIDS *contains spoilers*
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