THE BOOK BUSTER #12: Magic Pill by Johann Hari
Ep. 276: Grocery Store Items That Have Increased Most in Price
Ep. 275: Most Commonly Believed Superstitions
Ep. 274: Olympic Sports with the Most U.S. Medal Winners
THE TINY 10ISH #10: Companies That Spend the Most on Advertising
Ep. 273: Most Corrupt Countries in the World
+ BONUS #68 - ANIMORPHS: Franchise History, Plot Review, Book Cover Reactions
Ep. 272: Funniest People of All Time
THE BOOK BUSTER #11: Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
Ep. 271: NASA's Most Expensive Programs
Ep. 270: Most Visited National Parks in America
THE TINY 10ISH #9: Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy
THE BOOK BUSTER #10: Ethics in the Real World by Peter Singer
Ep. 269: Most Populous Animals on Earth
+ BONUS #67: Guess the Movie... based on a poorly-described plot summary
Ep. 268: Most Sugary Chocolate Candy Bars
Ep. 267: Most Common Slang Words & Phrases Today
THE TINY 10ISH #8: Most Forgettable States in America